EECCiT. Essential Emergency and Critical Care in Tanzania

EECCiT is an 18-month program for the implementation of EECC in health facilities in Tanzania. It is a collaboration between the government of the United Republic of Tanzania, UNICEF and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. EECCiT will include implementation research, impact assessments, and health economic work alongside the implementation of EECC. EECCiT will be implemented in Katavi, Kigoma, Songwe, Dar es salaam, Mtwara and Zanzibar. The program is organized into 4 packages.

Work pakage1 focuses on government and stakeholder engagement and the dissemination of EECC guidelines.

Work package 2; involves developing capacity building materials for EECC implementation.

Work package 3; review of HMIS and process additional indicators for EECC

Work package 4 implementation strategies for EECC are developed and implemented in the regions, parallel with data collection and implementation research for learning and adaptation of the program.
