Tanzania has incorporated EECC in its emergency preparedness and broader health system strengthening by developing a National Strategic Plan for EECC Services, 2023-2026 for which operationalization is now started. The Governments of the United republic of Tanzania in collaboration with Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada through the “CanGive” initiative, will operationalize the national plans through the Emergency and Critical Care in Tanzania program, ‘EECCiT’.
Implementation Strategy: EECCiT is to be implemented in 18 months in primary health care facilities in Tanzania mainland in Dar es Salaam, Kigoma, Katavi, Songwe, and Mtwara regions. The initiative will embed implementation research and health economics analyses leading to the development of a 5-year nationwide costed scale-up plan. With technical guidance from MUHAS in collaboration with global experts, the implementation will take place as follows:
Activities done so far: Dissemination meetings have been held in the 5 regions of Tanzania mainland; Dar es Salaam, Mtwara, Kigoma, Katavi and Songwe. The attendees were Regional/Council Health Managment Team (R/CHMT) and facility-in-charges in the two selected districts in each region. The agenda was the introduction of the EECC National Strategic Plan, the EECC concept and the plans in operationalization of the strategic plan through the EECCiT program
Expected outputs: The EECCiT program aims to improve the care for critically ill patients in health facilities in Tanzania. EECCiT will also lead to new knowledge about the best ways to strengthen health systems to increase the coverage of oxygen, to improve the quality of healthcare and emergency services, and for public health emergency preparedness.