Our Projects

We are involved in multiple collaborative, multi-country and multi-centre research projects and program implementation in Tanzania


African Critical Illness Outcome Study (ACIOS). A prospective, multi-country, multi-centre, observational study to determine the hospital point-prevalence and mortality rates of adult patients with critical illness in acute hospitals in Africa

5Rs to Rescue

A quality improvement and research project that aims to reduce post-operative mortality in Africa through ‘5RS’: R-Risk assessment, R -Recognition, R- Response, R- Reassessment, R- Reflection

The Rule of Thumb

A prospective, multi-center efficacy study of a bundled peri-operative care package to prevent and treat life-threatening intra- and postoperative maternal hemorrhage during or after caesarean section.

Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI)

: Investigating perspectives of critical illness from the community, critically ill patients, survivors and relatives

Respiratory and Critical Illness Surveillance

A hospital-based surveillance of patients with respiratory and critical illness producing real time vital information for emergency preparedness and response in Tanzania.

Oxygen and EECC

A review project collating ongoing research, training courses, conferences, and activities on oxygen and on EECC across Africa.

Essential Emergency And Critical Care In Tanzania

A prospective, multi-center efficacy study of a bundled peri-operative care package to prevent and treat life-threatening intra- and postoperative maternal hemorrhage during or after caesarean section.